Senin, 05 Februari 2018



Welcome to the Jogjakarta Public Library. Books can only be borrowed by members. Anyone who resides, works, pays property taxes, or attends school in Jogjakarta, is eligible to be Library member. To be a member you just simply register yourself in the front desk. You will be asked to fill a form, show your ID card, and pay registration fee. Most books can be borrowed for 28 days. Borrowing can be  prolonged  once for 10 days if no one else wants the book.

What does the text tell us?

A. How to register to be a librarian.              C. How to renew the library.
B. How to be the library member.                  D. How to buy the book.

Text for Question number 2 - 4!

      To : Aliya Latansina
      From : John Deep
      Date : March 10th, 2012
      Please, send the weekly financial report to Mr. Erlan Baskoro  by E-mail at: before midnight. Thanks.

      2. When is the deadline time?
           A. Next week         B. before midnight        C. On March         D. Tomorrow

      3. How will Aliya Latansina send the financial report?
          A. by hand              B. by Post                      C. by e-mail           D. by Fax

     4. Who sends the message?
         A. Mrs. Miranda Sully        C. Mrs. Aliya Latansina   
         B. Mr. Johny Deep             D. Erlan Baskoro

    5.  Uni       :  I heard that you are going abroad, is that right?
         Imron  : That’s right. I am going to leave for Singapore next week
         Uni       : Could you tell me where you stay in Singapore?
         Imron  : OK, just give me your phone number.
         From the dialogue, How will Imron tell her address?
         A. By telling directly.                                     C. By calling Uni
         B. By staying in Singapore.                          D. By leaving for Indonesia.

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