Rabu, 26 September 2018


Surat Lamaran atau dalam bahasa inggris application letter Memiliki beberapa Tujuan:
  • Memungkinkan Untuk menjual Kemampuan diri anda dengan Menonjolkan Keunggulan anda dari yang tertera di Curriculum Vitae (CV).
  • Memberikan Kesempatan bagi anda untuk menyertakan Materi yang tidak termasuk dalam CV anda khususnya Kualifikasi pribadi yang ada tuliskan ketika sedang mempersiapkan diri untuk melamar Kerja.
  • Memberikan gambaran bagaimana prospektifnya karir anda sebagai Karyawan atau Pegawai kedepannya melalui pertimbangan bahwa anda bisa menulis sebuah surat, walaupun agak kurang relevan di zaman Elektronik seperti sekarang ini, namun bagi banyak karyawan dari segelintir perusahaan atau Lembaga, dipertimbangkan sebagai salah satu bentuk keahlian mendasar yang mesti dimiliki dan sebagai ujicoba kemampuan anda untuk berkomunikasi secara jelas dan efektif.
Bagian bagian application letter :
  1. Your address = alamat surat penulis
  2. The address of the company you are writing to. Use complete title and address; ( untuk menulis alamat yang akan dituju harus jelas, agar pihak pengirim tidak salah alamat)
  3. Always make an effort to write directly to theperson in charge of hiring ( misalnya dalam mengirim surat lamaran seharusnya langsung ditujukan ke orang atau pihak yang dituju)
  4. Opening paragraph ( paragraph pembuka)
  5. Middle Paragraph / Body ( isinya adalah inti dari penulisan surat)
  6. Closing signature ( penutup)
  7. Signature ( tanda tangan)

Contoh 1

Surabaya, March4th, 2016
Attention To:
Director of English Speak Well
in Surabaya

Dear Sir/Madam,
On this good opportunity, I would like to apply my application in your company. My name is Azzikra Queeensha Abd, 21 years old, female, single, energetic and healthy. I graduated from UNJ on August 2016. I would like to have career to expand my experience.
My personality as a hard worker and want to learn more type of person. I will be very appreciated if you could give in opportunity to work in your company.
Herewith I enclose my curriculum vitae, which will give details of my qualification.
I hope my qualifications and working experiences could be your consideration and look forward to your reply.

Sincerely yours,

Azzikra Queensha Abd
Phone : 087 0123 4567
Mentari street No.200, Surabaya

Contoh 2

Azzikra Queensha Abd
Mentari street No. 200
Surabaya, CA 08067909-555-5555

04th March, 2016

Jason Mell
Red Company
87 New street

Dear Mr. Mell,
I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in your company.
As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume, and three references.
The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include, I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications and then I strive for continued excellence and the last I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers
I also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed. Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.
I can be reached anytime via email at queenshaazzikra@gmail.com or my cell phone, 087 5768 0000.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this employment opportunity.


Signature (for hard copy letter)

Azzikra Queensha Abd

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