Rabu, 31 Januari 2018

Speaking Lesson

Conversation about Accepting an Invitation to a Party

Hallo everybody.
Why have not you learned English seriously? Many people seem reluctant to learn English. They say English in school just as a lesson for exam, yet I am not working in a field that requires English skill. Or, ah, I do not like English because it’s dificult, complicated and need more understanding. Duh, throw away that thought because English can give you some advantages that more than just a material. If you want to succeed, you MUST learn English. Not just necessary anymore.
Language is a habit, so if we want to master a language we have to use it every day. Well, how to master English? Though English is a foreign language in our country. If we have parents or relatives who can speak English, it’s easy! We can communicate with them using English. But if there is no patner to speak English, what mush we do? Do we have to talk to ourselves? Oww, it’s like a mad man. Hehehe
There are many ways to learn. If there is no friend for a partner, it’s better to practice yourself. Later, you will be considered as a crazy man! It’s no problem. The important thing is you can speak English. Let’s start from now we learn to speak everyday! It’s very important to improve our English.
Okay, Today we will learn about Conversation about Accepting an Invitation to a Party.



A: Hey, what’s up?
B: Nothing really.
A: I’m throwing a party on Friday.
B: I didn’t realize that.
A: You didn’t?
B: Nobody has told me anything about your party.
A: Did you want to go?
B: When does it start?
A: At 8:00 p.m.
B: I’ll be there.
A: I’d better see you there.
B: Of course.



A: What’s going on with you?
B: Fine. What’s going on with you?
A: I’m having a party this Friday.
B: I had no idea.
A: Is that right?
B: I didn’t hear anything about it.
A: Can you go?
B: What time?
A: It starts at 8 o’clock.
B: I’ll go.
A: I hope that I’ll see you there.
B: No doubt.



A: What’s going on?
B: Not much.
A: This Friday, I’m throwing a party.
B: Oh really? I didn’t know that.
A: Are you serious?
B: I haven’t heard anything about it.
A: Can you make it?
B: What time does it start?
A: The party starts at 8.
B: Yeah, I think I’ll go.
A: Am I going to see you there?
B: You will.

Conversation about Declining an Invitation to a Party



A: What’s going on?
B: Nothing really, you?
A: I’m throwing a party next Saturday.
B: Is that right?
A: Yeah, are you going to come?
B: I’m sorry, I can’t.
A: Why not?
B: I don’t really want to.
A: Well, why don’t you?
B: I hate going to parties.
A: Well, that’s okay.
B: Yeah, sorry.



A: What’s up?
B: Nothing, how about you?
A: Next Saturday, I’m going to have a party.
B: Oh, really?
A: You are coming?
B: Probably not.
A: Why is that?
B: I don’t feel like going.
A: Why not?
B: I really can’t stand going to parties.
A: I understand, I guess.
B: Sorry about that.



A: What’s happening?
B: Not a lot, what about you?
A: I’m having a party next Saturday.
B: That’s nice.
A: Are you going to be there?
B: I don’t think so.
A: Is there a reason why?
B: I just really don’t want to go.
A: How come?
B: I don’t really like parties.
A: I wish you would go, but that’s okay.
B: I’m sorry.



A: What’s up?
B: Nothing much, what’s going on?
A: I’m having a party this Friday.
B: Oh, really? That’s nice.
A: I wanted to see if you wanted to come.
B: This Friday? Sorry, I already have plans.
A: Doing what?
B: I’m going to dinner with my family.
A: I really wanted you to come, but I understand.
B: Yeah, maybe next time.
A: I’ll hold you to that.
B: Sounds like a plan.



A: Hey, what’s good with you?
B: Not a lot. What about you?
A: I’m throwing a party on Friday.
B: That sounds like fun.
A: Do you think you can come?
B: I’m sorry. I’m already doing something this Friday.
A: What are you going to be doing?
B: My family and I are going to dinner.
A: I was hoping you would come.
B: I’ll definitely try to make it the next time.
A: I’d better see you there.
B: All right. I’ll see you next time.



A: What’s going on?
B: Nothing really. How about you?
A: A lot, like the party I’m having on Friday.
B: Well, that’s cool.
A: Will you be able to make it?
B: I’m busy this Friday. I’m sorry.
A: What do you have to do?
B: I’m having dinner with my family
A: Maybe you can come next time.
B: I’ll make sure and come to your next party.
A: I’ll look for you at my next party.
B: I’ll be there.

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